with mila urban

Life Force Activation (formerly ‘KAP’) is a direct energy transmission of Kundalini energy and non-dual consciousness

This practice awakens the dormant kundalini energy within the body also known as ‘qi’ or ‘prana’or simply life force energy

An awakened Kundalini energy can have transformative shifts for your everyday life and brings you deeper into consciousness

Once activated, this energy flows through, potentially triggering emotional releases, revealing insights, and fostering unity within ourselves and our collective, leading to a more balanced, conscious life as this energy serves as an intelligent compass in life.x

What to expect in a session.

During the session you will lay down a your mat, with closed eyes, relax the body and softly silence the mind, while loud and brain-wave shifting music is played.

As a Facilitator I will work with your energetic field without and, here and then, with touching your chakra and meridian points to channel the energy.

Nothing else will happen in the outside. There is nothing you need to do, no task to accomplish.

This practice works through surrender, by letting go any expectations, not by an active practice. Therefore it’s different from other traditional modalities such as Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork, Tantra, Chi Gong or similar, where the focus is on an actively practice to awaken and rise your Kundalini Energy.